One Girl. One Purpose. One Blog
Hey new friend! Thank you so much for spending some time with me today and reading my blog. This post is to introduce myself and the purpose behind the Messi Bits blog.
Let's start with just a little bit about me (trust me, you'll learn more about me than you would probably ever care to if you stick with me on this blog journey): I'm Jessi Winegardner, a 23-year-old Air Force spouse with a love for reading and a passion for working with young children. I mostly grew up in St. George, Utah and attended BYU, where I got my MRS degree (AKA I met my husband in my singles ward) and also my legit degree in Early Childhood Education. I've been married for 1 year and 3 months and we recently moved to a small town in southwest Texas called Del, Rio (go look it up on google maps, we basically live in Mexico) so my husband can complete Pilot Training. I'm settling into my new role as a college graduate (so I have to be a "real" adult now) and military wife (I am positive there will be more posts about that journey because what I know about the military is pretty much next-to-nothing and it's created quite a few messi bits in my life).

Now let's jump into why this blog even exists. About three years ago I was sitting in church and this line from a movie kept running through my mind: "life is the messy bits". It comes from the movies "Letters to Juliet" (which is one of my favs and you should definitely go watch it) in a scene where the grandmother is talking with her grandson after finding her childhood sweetheart. He tells her that she is lucky because she got to skip all the messy bits of life and she responds with "life is the messy bits".
That one line sparked an idea for a blog and that idea has been floating around in my mind for three years. The last few months the idea has been making its way to the front on my mind fairly consistently, so I decided it was time to take some action.
With a lot of encouragement (and a little bit of technical help) from my handsome hubby, my blog is finally making the leap from an idea in my head to an actual thing that will be shared on the internet. Side note: my husband is also the brains behind spelling "messi" with an I. He was helping me set up the domain name and spelled it this way (in my head it was always spelled "messy" cuz, ya know, that's how you spell it) and I glanced over, saw how he had spelled it, and immediately fell in love with is because my name is "Jessi" and I have often been called "messy Jessi" and now it can be "messi Jessi" and all cute and really became special to me because it showed my husband's investment in me and my idea to start a blog.
Anyways, let me get back on track here. The purpose of this blog is to: create a space where real, unfiltered life is shared and enjoyed. I fee like, and this may just be me, that there are so many people out there that I see on social media that paint this unrealistic picture of life. There kids are always playing nicely, their house is always clean, they are posting about #collabs or #ad with products that I can't afford (but long for) and it just weighs down on me. I try to remind myself that most people only post about the bright spots of their day or week and that they probably took 50 pictures and thought up 10 different captions before they published their post, but it still bothered me. So, this blog idea was born. I want to share real life moments (messy, imperfect, frustrating, and unfiltered) and how I find joy in them. Because I truly do believe that joy can be found in these rough moments and the best lessons are learned during the messi bits of life.
So, feel free to join me on this journey as I share with you the messi bits in my life. And I promise that this won't be a negative place where I only share the horrible things that happen to me and how hard life is, because I don't want you to feel better about your life because you can compare it to my life. Rather, it will be a place where I will share the good and the bad, the bright spots and the messi bits. And, hopefully, you will start to be able to look at the messi bits of your life and find the things to be grateful for and have joy about.
Much Love and Stay Messi,