Wait for the Man

Wait for the man who asks before he kisses you.
Wait for the man who opens your car door.
Wait for the man who sleeps in uncomfortable positions, so that you can sleep in a comfy-cozy cuddle.

Wait for the man who helps out with the dishes (and other household chores).
Wait for the man who says you are beautiful (with or without makeup).
Wait for the man who will drive 90% of the time because he knows how much you hate it.

(This picture was taken on our first "real" date)
Wait for the man who pushes you to follow your dreams (however outlandish the may seem).
Wait for the man who will rub your back after a stressful day.
Wait for the man who never demeans you, puts you down, or intentionally hurts you in any way, shape, or form.

Wait for the man you want to have a family and a future with.
Wait for the man who makes you want to be better (and encourages you along the way).
Wait for the man whose beliefs match yours , while still giving you another point of view to consider.

But most importantly...
Wait for the man whose actions towards you are the very definition of love and tenderness.
Wait for the man who is willing to pursue his dreams and work hard to achieve them.
Wait for the man who makes your heart feel full and whole every single day of your life; the man you never want to say goodbye to; the man you never get bored of; the man who understands your worth; the man God has waiting for you.

Today we are celebrating the birthday of the man I patiently (or not-so-patiently) waited for. He's 25 today and am I ever so thankful that he was born and that our paths crossed and became intertwined. Some days I could (and do) tear up just thinking about how lucky I am to have him as my eternal companion. He is sweet, patient, forgiving, loving, and everything else I could want/need in a husband. He is also fulfilling his dream of being a pilot in the United States Air Force and it makes me want to pursue my dreams when I see him pursuing his.

So, if there is anybody reading this post who is going through the messi bits of dating and such, I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with a little waiting. While you are waiting, pursue your dreams, figure out who you are and what you want (out of life and in a potential spouse), and know that you deserve nothing less than the man (or woman) I have described above.

And, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the man who made all of my messi days of waiting worth it. I love you so much and wish you nothing but love and happiness on this day of celebration.
As always
Stay messi,
*This post applies in opposite; men you deserve a great woman who understands your worth as well