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Messi Jessi's Morning Routine

Hey friends! So I've decided to do a little mini-series of posts over the next three weeks about the routines I follow in my life.

I don't know if it's connected to my anxiety/depression or if I have a touch of OCD, but I thrive off of routines! Like, my body starts to feel sick if I stop doing my routines for more than a few days (weird, I know).

Anywho, I have three routines that I follow everyday (or almost everyday, I'm not perfect): A morning routine, a nightime routine, and an "about-to-fall-asleep" routine. I'm sharing my routines with y'all in hopes that maybe you'll decide to implement routines in your life that will help make your days go just a little bit better. I am in no way saying that you need to be implementing my routines, but maybe what I do will get your creative juices flowing to come up with your own routines.

Without further ado, here is my typical morning routine:

1- Hit snooze at least two times (this is actually a part of my routine that I'm trying to stop, but the struggle is real).

2-Get up and do ten minutes of yoga; here's a link to my youtube playlist of morning yoga videos that I like to do: Morning Yoga

I find that starting my day with yoga really helps lower my anxiety and sets a positive, calming tone for my day. It also helps me feel more awake without the intensity of a shower or a work-out. (and full disclosure, I definitely made my husband take pictures of me doing yoga this morning).

3- Make my morning "wake-up" drink and read my scriptures/morning affirmations/morning prayer

My morning drink is just warm water, fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper, turmeric, and organic apple cider vinegar. It helps wake up my digestive system and is a little boost to my gut health. You should also just drink a lot of water in the morning anyways because your body has gone quite a few hours without any and hydration is key to a good day.

I like reading my scriptures in the morning because I'm usually too tired by the end of the day to get any real meaning out of it. It also helps me start my day with a sense of peace.

4-Work Out

After saying my prayers, on a day when I'm really on top of things, I do my work-out. The last few weeks I've really been slacking on this, but I absolutely have more energy throughout the day if I get my work-out in. Since we moved to Texas and I had to give back the work-out videos I was using in Utah, I've been using the Popsugar Fitness youtube channel for my work-outs. I usually just search a time frame or a type of work-out and pick whatever sounds good to me that day.

5-Shower/Get Ready

After working out, I get ready for the day; most mornings I'm in a time crunch so I usually just throw my hair up and rarely put on my make-up, but at least I'm clean haha.

6- Breakfast

My last step of my routine is making my breakfast shake. I've never been a big breakfast eater and found out years ago that shakes and smoothies are my favorite breakfast "foods". For the past year or so, I've been making this breakfast shake and it is amazing!!!! It's pretty filling, tastes yummy, and gives my body a lot of nutrients.

How I make my shake:

-3 mixed green ice cubes

-1/2 an avocado

-1/2 banana

-1 tablespoon cocoa powder

-2 tablespoons organic peanut butter powder

-1 scoop of vega all-in-one nutrition shake powder, chocolate flavor (I have the vanilla as well and it's pretty tasty as well).

-Almond milk (I use the unsweetened vanilla flavor)

All this goes into my ninja individual-sized blender cup things, blend it all up, and I'm good to go. Another great thing about having a shake for breakfast is that I'm usually heading out the door and I can just take my shake with me and drink it while I drive to work.

And that's my morning routine! My days are so much better when I stick to this routine; my mind is more calm, my body has more energy, and I just have an overall more positive attitude.

If you have a morning routine I would love to hear about!

Stay messi my friends,



Messi Bits

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